Does god have the power to end world hunger but instead decides to watch me masturbate?

Billions of people don't see anything wrong with this and worse this is what they worship, praise, and call perfect. You wonder where I get my morals from, thankfully it's not from some pervert, made-up god(s).

CAPS LOCK2015-07-02T16:38:59Z

Favorite Answer

It's unproven religious rhetoric from a book written by slave-owning tribesmen. There is no god able to cure world hunger or would have been done already.

Benoni "Light"2015-07-02T16:16:20Z

Given that you don't believe in God, would it be too much trouble to spend less time masturbating and more time trying to address the issue of world hunger instead of blaming something you're deemed imaginary for the problem?


Its not Gods job to end world hunger - and he has better things to do than to watch you play with yourself.


God has no poser at all, just human hands.


Sounds like the sick f**k I know...

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