Creationists, please define "Kind." What do you mean by the term?


What OBJECTIVE criteria would allow us to determine if 2 organisms are the same Kind or different Kind.

Here, I'll get you started:

Species: 2 organisms are the same species, if they can breed and produce fertile offspring. By this criteria, horses and donkeys are 2 different species. They can breed, but mules are sterile.

Your turn:

Kind: 2 organisms are the same Kind, if……..

Your turn.

Brigalow Bloke2015-07-06T18:42:23Z

Favorite Answer

Creationists use the Humpty Dumpty Dictionary.

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

"Through the Looking Glass", Lewis Carroll, 1871


God did not make life in a simple form and allow it to evolve into more complex forms.

Instead, he created basic “kinds” of complex plants and animals, which then reproduced “according to their kinds.” (Genesis 1:11, 21, 24)

This process, which continues today, has resulted in the earth being filled with the same “kinds” of life that God originally created. Psalm 89:11

The Bible does not specify how much variation can occur within a kind, as might result when animals within a kind interbreed and adapt to their environment.

While some view such adaptations as a form of evolution, no new kind of life is produced.

Modern research supports the idea that the basic categories of plants and animals have changed little over vast periods of time.


Define Kind


By kind they mean sort. They use the term rather loosely. Why are you asking this?


"Kind: 2 organisms are the same Kind, if…….. "
They descended from the same pair of animals on the ark.

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