do you earn $10+ per day from microworkers???how??


Russian women are like everyone else - some are nice, some are nasty and most are somewhere in between. I think the question you should be asking is not "are Russian women bad" but why any woman would join a marriage agency? Whatever your nationality someone who joins a marriage agency looking for an overseas husband or wife is either wanting to move overseas or money. Why would anyone "normal" marry a stranger (excepting perhaps cultures where arranged marriages are the norm)? Many of these women may be desperate rather than bad. But really what do you expect from a woman prepared to marry (and have sex with) a stranger? True love? Some common sense please!

STEVEN F2015-07-12T08:05:16Z

More like 10¢ a month.


You need to do forum link posting jobs, yahoo answers, tumblr posts, and jobs which pays highly. Once you get some experince with Microworker you can able to achieve the height, Also you need to keep your temprorary success rate above 75% to work.


NO..more like 10 cents!


If microworkers was worth the bother wouldn't we all be using it.