Does Greece financial crisis similar to someone who is in credit cards debts and keep transferring the balance from one card to another?

While Paying no more than the minimum required at his statement?


No. They are paying no payments. this is why they are in trouble this week, a $5 billion payment is due that they did not cut spending years ago to be able to make it and had no intention of doing so. They want to have their cake and eat it, too. They are milking the EU knowing that if the EU lets them go, it will hurt the Euro and the world economy. They think the only alternative is for Europe to continue supporting their ultra-stupid economy. Their government does not have the guts to cut huge retirement benefits for a huge number of retired government workers and levy appropriate taxes. Instead, they put it up for a vote. How many people are going to OK a pay cut and tax increase on themselves?? Now they are going to be forced to stop using the Euro and go back to the Drachma. This will cause immediate super inflation if they print enough money to cover their over-inflated budget. Will this force reason on Greece? Not if it is put to a vote AGAIN!