Recently i have discovered i have herpes and the doctor told me that 1 in 5 american adults has herpes ! This is 25 percent of all american adults !!!!! So with all the technology and medical advances in today's world, how come there has been no cure for this very common std ?
Its commonness does not mean that a cure is simpler to find. If you consider the common cold (and the clue is in the name), we have no cure for that either and it's the most prevalent illness on earth. Oral herpes simplex spreads like wildfire through people kissing, and the same goes for the other end! It's just as difficult to avoid the spread as the oral type. Whilst using a condom might help a little, it only covers the penis, so can still reach skin. It's unlikely that people will be willing to give up sex, so unfortunately we have to rely on people being honest with us about the state of their sexual health. That doesn't always happen when horniness becomes overwhelming, but the best chance of reducing spread is to know your partners well, use protection and be abstinent during outbreaks until all the blisters have healed. It's a real nuisance to live with, but with no signs of a cure on the horizon, you just have to be vigilant.
There are different forms of herpes. Technically cold sores are a form of herpes but there's a difference between that and genital herpes. 1 in 5 Americans do not have genital herpes, no where even close to that.
Because is is a virus. It stays in your system, just as lyme disease would. Thus, experiencing flare ups. Unfortunately, you'll just have to manage it for the rest of your life. And ALWAYS tell sexual partners, so you don't pass it along to them unwillingly.