Racists are hoping for joy The Iran Nuclear Deal and parsing Obama?

Racists are celebrating the historical Iran Nuclear deal. Racists from Neo-Nazis, KKK, New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam, David Duke to Louis Farrakhan praise the deal. Even the members of the Maryland KKK are going to have a Israeli Flag burning to add to their cross burring. Has Obama became the First Anti-Jewish and Anti- Israel President? Or he just sold out to the anti-Jewish groups for their votes and to help Hilary win ?


Obama isn't anti-Jewish and isn't anti-Israel. It'll be easier to argue that he's more neutral, or at the very least less pro-Israel than his immediate predecessors but I wouldn't go so far as to say he's actively anti-Israel. In any case, I'd rather give the title "first anti-Israel" President to Jimmy Carter, though honestly that's more for his bs and ignorance post-presidency concerning the nation.

Racists may celebrate deals but only a few would praise Obama. I don't know about the NBP, but the Nation of Islam definitely has anti-Semitic leaders that would love to see Israel destroyed. The Neo-Nazis and KKK wouldn't mind either, though most are Christian so they'd not like either group that much either. And certainly wouldn't praise Obama for it. An Israeli flag burning would happen regardless, since they hate them in a way that has nothing to do with Obama.

He's not selling out to these groups, as their allegiances are determined by other things. The Iranian deal was NOT high on any of their lists (save perhaps the Nation of Islam....maybe) and I doubt even if the effects on Israel that are negative are immediately seen that it'll help. The KKK and Neo-Nazis aren't going to support Hillary so easily, and of the two major parties I don't see the NBP or NoI choosing the Republican party as the trend is for African American voters to vote Democratic if those particular issues are of the highest importance to them.


Really you believe in all that tripe that he is anti Jewish ...we have a word for your kind, Khnyok. Its very flattering. If you don't like it here in the US then leave.


Wow - right wing morons have been All Stirred up by FOX Iran lies....... but they're too stupid to get the lies written down correctly......... this one doesn't make much sense.

If you're very stupid, you have to memorize the FOX lies better otherwise they just don't come out right.

Richard RIGHT2015-07-14T15:37:25Z

I've long said Obama and Hitler would gladly share a beer over their mutual hate for the Jewish nation.



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