I am scheduled in a month for wisdom tooth surgery?
I am only 15 and I got my wisdom teeth they are coming in but also I have questions it's going to be done at a children's hospital will they make you wear a gown I would rather wear comfy clothes also when the surgery is scheduled I will be in school how long will I need to be out if school but I will be all the asleep with Anesthesia I just wondered what to expect. I am worried about the surgery because when I googled u seen that people died my mom said it will be fine
A little info I think should be considered about this drug Versed ( Midazolam ) that is used for Sedation for many medical procedures..Sedation and General Anesthesia are not the same and quite a few people being given Sedation think they are being given General Anesthesia!
There is simply no good or valid reason to ever purposely induce amnesia during a medical procedure. It is only a recent development in medical thinking that amnesia is somehow a "benefit" to the patient. On occasion some some patients will remember a bad experience. Forgetting does not mean it did not happen!! I feel that if people were aware of the effects of this drug they would Opt For Another Drug! Erasing someones memory of what was done to them is wrong!! In fact, many people who use Versed for " IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation" Twilight Sedation, during a procedure are Awake For The Entire Procedure but remember nothing, often Believing They Were "Out" the whole time.
Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like setting broken bones,colonoscopies,endoscopies, dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!
Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses Versed I've used Versed 1000+ times during oral surgery procedures and I've never had a complaint. It's a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn't it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure.....
I feel that giving a drug for amnesia is cruel I would not want it done to me!
A strange development in medical thinking that it's okay for a patient to have pain as long as they don't remember it and think they slept thru the procedure..