I can pray my period cramps away?
Whenever I have cramps, I ask God to take the cramps away, and they do! It works everytime but, sadly only last for a few seconds then the cramps are back, but not as intense. God is real.
Whenever I have cramps, I ask God to take the cramps away, and they do! It works everytime but, sadly only last for a few seconds then the cramps are back, but not as intense. God is real.
Favorite Answer
I was raised as a Christian Scientist and never went to the doctor or had novocaine when I went to the dentist. Prayer works, it is a matter of mind over matter, but drugs work better. When I grew up, I finally gave up on this and took the novocaine. Why would an all powerful, all seeing, all knowing God really care whether I could endure pain or not?
I'm not religious, but I totally respect your love for your religion, no hate. I come from a Christian family, though, and I will say, I think praying for pain to be relieved is doing more harm than good. It's like the one family who had a sick child, and would let him get treatment because they could pray through it, and the child died from the disease. Obviously, death is not as severe as cramps(I'm also a woman, I get the pain). I think that instead of praying for the pain to go away, maybe pray for the strength to endure it? If it hurts too bad, I recommend working out during your period(I know, it can hurt!) if you don't like having pills for it(like aspirin). By the way, I don't mean to seem rude or disrespectful at ALL. Just because we have different beliefs doesn't mean that we can't respect each other! :)
I grew up as a Christian Scientist and not went to a doctor or had novocaine after i went to the actual dentist. Prayer functions, it is the matter of thoughts over matter, but drugs are more effective. When I was raised, I finally threw in the towel on this as well as took the novocaine. The reason why would an just about all powerful, all viewing, all knowing Lord really care whether I possibly could endure pain or even not?
I'm not too sure what point you're trying to make here, and I could come up with some kind of smart argument about religion, but no good will come out of that.
In a christian mindset,(as I do not nessisarily have I would say that God gives you this pain to make the female race stronger, and willing to endure more. Women live longer too, so all that time suffering we've spent, is exchanged in years of peace.
The worse you eat, the worse you’ll feel. We know the first thing you want to do is reach for the chocolate or greasy fries but trust us, you’ll regret it later. Eat cleansing foods like fruits and salads to restore some balance to your out-of-whack body. Avoid sugar, flour-based products like bread and pasta, rich heavy food and anything with preservatives. Your tummy will thank you.
Take your Mulit-vitamin
We know remembering to take your one-a-day can be a tough task but come period time you’ll want to be religious about it. Zinc, calcium and B vitamins help to reduce cramps, bloating and other menstrual symptoms.
Do Some Light Exercise
You’re bloated, in pain and just want to veg out, but light exercise will ease your cramps. Try low impact workouts like yoga, Pilates or walking. Or you can just try these floor exercises: Lie down and elevate your legs by putting a pillow under your knees or lie on your side and bring your knees up to your chest to relieve back pressure.
Turn Up the Heat
Soothe those contracting muscles with a little heat. You can use a heating pad or soak in a bath with warm water with some essential oils like relaxing chamomile or lavender.
Go the Herbal Route
Herbal remedies such as Viburnum prunifolium, Scutellaria spp. and Cimicifuga raemosa have an antispasmodic effect (aka they suppress muscle spasms) that will help reduce menstrual cramps.
Drink Some Tea
A cup of chamomile tea will have a warm, relaxing effect on your body. Add in a few teaspoons of honey with is a natural pain reliever.
Sleep tight
In general, getting enough sleep is crucial to one’s health. But, believe us when we say, be especially diligent during pms-prone times. Interruptions in your regular sleep rhythms can interfere with your regular cycle and result in even more irritability, fatigue and stomach cramping.