When strawmaning evolution, why do creationists use black people as the example of "Less evolved?"?

I notice when trying to make evolution about "more or less evolved" they always seem to use black people as the example of "less". Now I know evolution is only about differences and not a ladder, but it got me wondering.


It's offensive. I don't take it too seriously since I don't believe in evolution. I'm black but I put faith into Adam and Eve and believe we're the human race. I understand not all Europeans are racist but I studied evolution and people who thrived on this theory were very racist and viewed blacks as lesser people. Jesus Christ wasn't racist but many evolutionist Europeans are.


Yes, this is a good example of strawmanning. However, I would point out that while atheists eat their breakfast of aborted fetuses, they shouldn't use so much butter and salt. It's not healthy.


The first people were in Africa, therefore they evolved as they changed environment and conditions further North. They also evolved in Africa, but probably didn't change that much.


I'm a creationist and I know that Adam (the original man) was a black man.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)2015-07-16T11:13:20Z

I noticed that a lot, but certainly not all, creationists are racist. Jut like the KKK and Nazi Germany used to mainly protestant.

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