is there any way to get free dental care?

I don't have dental coverage ("quest" low income health care, only covers dental up to age 21). but I have cavities and a spacing problem that are affecting my life. I can't afford to pay for a dental visit... I can't even afford tank to keep my gas tank above E. so is there any way at all to get some of my cavities fixed?

I tried volunteering at a dentistry school for the students to practice on, but that's only for cleanings. And my health insurance only does emergency extractions (with no false teeth to replace them)... most of the cavities don't hurt but a few do, sometimes severely.

I don't have any credit to take out a loan, and my parents are poor too. I don't have a way to get dental insurance but I wouldn't be able to pay the monthly bill anyway.

What can be done?


"Quest" is medicaid in my state.

Arthur Dent2015-07-17T13:43:15Z

Contact your local health department and see if they have listing for dental clinics. Some dentist do offer free dental services a few times a year but the services will be very limited. One dentist in my area offers a free cleaning, one free cavity filing, or one free extraction in the clinic he sponsors once a year.

I find it is cheaper to not have dental insurance and just pay up front. I checked the premiums and I found I was breaking even in my case. Also some dentists do offer payment plans so you should shop around.


Find out where the county dental clinic is or the local dental college. You have to pay for services. Some cities have dental clinics that charge according to your income. Ask someone for the money, get a job, borrow from parents if you are a minor. If you are not, you have to use whatever income you have to cover the costs. Thats what I do.


"What can be done?"

1. Get another job.
2. Learn to better spend the money you do have.
3. Have teeth pulled (dentures are cheap).
4. Get yourself put in jail (they'll fix cavities and such).
5. Find a "sugar daddy!"