Why are same sex marriage opponents so fixated on paedophilia and bestiality?

Do they not grasp the concept of consenting human adults?


Why are people so fixated on homosexuality? Hmmm. The people who annoy pro-homosexuality folks so bad for being critical of homosexuality and not going along with the mainstream media's propaganda perhaps tend to compare homosexuality to pedophilia and zoophilia because these are other sexual deviations. Homosexuality was listed among such paraphilias / disorders a few decades ago and was removed from the DSM due to harassment by homosexuals, not by scientific discoveries.


Because there isn't a real, legally valid argument to re-butte same-sex marriage. If there is, someone please let me know, I've scoured the constitution to find a way to make it illegal without resolve. Section 1 of Amendment XIV to the U.S. Constitution clearly says that no state shall abridge the rights of a citizen. That's the final say.


apparently not. there is a huge difference in letting two adults of the same gender marry and saying pedophilia should be leagal


No, they are too angry and hurt. They just lump all things that disgust them or at least want us to know is considered disgusting by them into one pot. They are speaking from rage


Groups of people can be consenting adults.

Incestuous perverts can be consenting adults.

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