Wrongfully deleted answer?


How are you supposed to report a wrongfully deleted question when the email address in the notice is BLANK.

Someone maliciously reported one of my answers as a violation, there was nothing in the answer that broke any terms or rules. But its impossible to appeal if the email does not contain a working link to the process.


I am pointing out the appeal system is NOT working. My bad wording of the question i guess - i know ppl complain for no reason a lot, but this question is focused on the fact the system isnt working at least for me.


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Captain....there is nothing you can do about it when yahoo do nothing

yahoo have now closed the door on us .....no more appeals means less people they have to pay


Simple, become a yahoo staff member so you don't have to worry about your shít getting reported ever again. Because your influence would be soooo high now that you're a staff member, no report power would work.


It's kinda the norm here. There's no point in appealing.


Yes always


But life goes on,,,,why's that do you think ?

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