Can you name a fighting style for me?

I must detail important information for the video game: setting takes place in 22 century, in a city, and focused on 10 dojos. One dojo is composed of 3 fighting styles. For example, Afro Dragon Fist, which is one of the 10 dojos, is composed of Jeet Kune Do, King Jr. Fist, and X Fist. For the next dojo, I am combining Aikido, Naginatajutsu, and Shintaido. Somebody help me with a name.


The martial arts by definition were all designed as Life-Protection arts. That simply means that they were designed to be used if ones life is threatened. In which case they were designed to kill if necessary. All martial arts began that way. Today many are only a shell of their former selves due to many reasons. A few reasons are: 1) Lack of training 2) Lack of a proper background 3) Intentional watering down of the style (many times due to commercialism) 4) The fact that deadly force is simply not needed by most people or most situations 5) ......... many other reasons.


Krav maga is used in all situations of street fight and can be used as self defense


If you're looking for discipline. American Kenpo. If you're looking for self defense. BJJ.


please tell me you work for bioware and your making jade empire two otherwise go **** yourself.

Renken 4th2015-07-21T16:41:52Z
