If someone is near death in hospital, perhaps after a car crash, is there any point in praying for that life to be saved?

Wasn't the crash part of some god's plan? Hasn't that god already decided the person's fate?


If someone is driving on an otherwise deserted road, late at night, and the car goes off a cliff, and the person is now near death, no human even knows the situation at first. Nobody is praying. I don't believe in the power of prayer.

Dogstar Ascendant2015-07-22T14:19:21Z

Favorite Answer

There's no point in it because prayer doesn't work. That's been demonstrated a thousand times every day at hospitals.


We should always be talking to God, always be praying. If your friend has been in a crash that you are aware of, of course you will pray about that. You will tell God that you are scared for them, you ask God to help them, etc. The crash was not God's fault. God did not plan for that to happen because he is incapable of doing wrong. However, bad things still happen because we live in a bad world where there is poverty, accidents, illness etc. The situation is very unique to the person, and God will save them if that's what's best, but sometimes, it's time for a person to go to heaven and he allows that. Obviously, that is not the case in every situation because every situation is unique. God will do what is best, if we try to understand why what happened happened, our mind will not because able to understand it because our intelligence is nothing compared to him. I just trust God in my life situations, even if it seems like everything is falling apart. If you study the book of Job, (which I know, is relevant to people who don't believe in the bible) you can understand God's heart, even if the first time you read it, you think God is unloving and merciless. Sometimes, God will call a person to pray for someone that they don't even know, a person that needs help, maybe a person that is in danger and is alone. I have heard so many stories like this from people that I know, and I have witnessed miracles. I normally don't tell people that, and I keep it hidden just because people don't believe me. But, honestly, I'm just a normal teenage girl and all I have to do it access God is to talk to him, trust him, and obey his directions.

He is always talking to us, people just need to listen for him. Kind of like how your father can talk to you, but you won't hear what he is saying because you are not listening to him. Sorry if this gets long, I can expand on some stuff that doesn't make sense, if you want.

But this is how I see it: The universe, it's vast and it couldn't have a beginning because then that beginning has to be created by something. And that something by something. The conclusion is that there has to be an eternal something in order for anything to begin. But you have a choice, whether you believe that is an eternal something, or someone.

There are so many things in my life that God did that I can't explain. And I could never deny that God's existence because he speaks to me everyday! I have seen people healed mentally and physically. God has made promises to me, and I write them down. Years later, I go back to those promises and I see that he had fulfilled them. Not in the way I might have wanted or expected, but he did fulfill that good promise.

People can say that God doesn't exist. But I can't. I have seen so much.
I've stopped trying to tell people my experiences and I realize I probably shouldn't stop. I just get in the mood of "what's the point? They aren't going to believe me anyway."

Here's a simple situation that happened that I can share with you. My grandfather had prostate cancer and he died a few weeks ago. The day he was going to die, he was sitting in a room with my grandmother (they speak spanish) but he told her, "Who's at the door?" and my grandmother responded that there was no one. He later explained that there was a light coming from somewhere and that there was someone at the door to help him. My grandmother told him that there was no light and there was nobody there. During this period, my family was desperately praying that he would die in his sleep. We told God that he suffered enough and that we wanted him to go away peacefully.

And he died that day. And he went in his sleep.

For that reason, (even though I believed before) I believe in heaven. The key is to trust that God's word is true, and then he will show to you that it is throughout your life.

Living people have many more than just 5 senses, we have a countless number. You can look at this website, but I'll give some quick examples other than the well known 5: hunger, time, magnetoception, pressure, etc. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/07/humans-have-a-lot-more-than-five-senses/

When we die we do not cease to exist. Out bodies stay here in the grave, and we go to be with the God who is waiting for us, with loving arms.


I have prayed for perfectly healthy people to be made dead because I feared the torture and abuse they would have otherwise been subjected to. My fears were exaggerated and I was wrong.

God does not will evil including senseless death. God will take what our free will (and random destruction) leaves him to work with and will build and command us to help build a better world.

No I would pray for what is best to happen. A miracle of recovery or a life of physical impairment or death.


If you believe in the Christian omnipotent, omnipresent god then praying for anything seems like an act of lack of faith. After all, anything that happens is gods will.


No. Praying has no effect at all. It's pointless.

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