The scary part about what literal bible interpreting christians say is not what they say but that they seem to actually believe it is true?

It is scary to think that civilized, evolved people have discovered so much through science and other forms of knowledge and that there is still people who believe in these old books written by people who were attempting to answer a lot of the same questions we have figured out since and it seems that just because they put some razzle dazzle magical wizards and his zombie son into the mix and add in a few sprinkles of eternal torture and now all of a sudden it is supposed to have some kind of credence to the claims made by the authors. It's disturbing that people in this day in age still have the same superstitious thoughts and beliefs that people also had when bronze was just being made. If you thinking I'm ranting on or just plain wrong please give me some factual information about your reasons for believing these things are true in Old and New Testament. It just seems to me that some people are so worried about being tortured by this evil devil in a pit of fire forever that you will claim that you believe, you believe, just don't torture me , I believe. This should not the basis of believing something.


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I see that lawrence has proved your point perfectly. I expect without possessing the intellect to realize they have done so.


And yet in spite of this enlightened age that you are so proud of, people continue to come to Christ as a result of an actual encounter with God. What's scary is to think that people like you actually believe that you have everything all figured out, and that there is no possible way for God to exist in this universe.


So what's your point? That you know nothing about Christianity? Well, you succeeded in making your point.
You see, even as a believer, I am smart enough to understand Christianity isn't supposed to make sense. Love your enemy? Life after death? What radical thoughts. Certainly not logical ones.
Further, you state that people believe "out of a fear of being tortured". I believe because God had proved He works in my life every day. Can I prove it to you? No, for two reasons:
1) You already made your mind up not to believe; and
2) You need to have your own experiences, something your closed heart and condescending attitude will never allow.
So, before you get too scared, rest assured that I that it will all be over for you before you know it, and you will have exactly what you are looking for: nothing.


there is nothing scary in believing in he truth of the bible. whats really scary is people like you have invented and made up a reality that is not true and its taught in schools as fact to corrupt kids minds to embrace and believe this nonsense of evolution and the big bang and alien life on other planets. because those things in the old and new testament are real. they really occurred. Archaeologists Identify First Century House Where Jesus May Have Lived


Yes. You are correct. It is true.

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