Other than calling themselves "conservative" How are Republicans really conservatives?


1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

**Nope not this one. They seem to be ripping the system apart from the inside and have lowered our national credit rating afew times

2. cautiously moderate or purposefully low:
a conservative estimate.

**Nope not this one. They jump from one extremely extreme to another always using the most far flung information to make a point (like cigarette companies did in the 70s)

3. traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness

**Nope not this one. lol

4.(often initial capital letter) of or relating to the Conservative party.

**They named themselves it instead of going for a name that ment what they actually stand for...
Conservative party actions compared to true definition of conservative = Oxymoron?

5. (initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of Conservative Jews or Conservative Judaism.

**This is politics not religion so, pass

6. having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.

**conserve, they have lowered our national credit rating a number of times in order to "save money" while even the least smart of people in America know a lower credit rating means Paying More money then we had to!
preserve, they want to take away everything not preserve it... just listen to them talk

Philip H2015-07-24T12:09:14Z

I'm a Constitutional Conservative and I do not support Any Political Party.
Most certainly Not the Liberal Democrats!
I usually vote Republican but that does not make Constitution following Conservatives Republicans. The Constitution Limits power to prevent Corruption and Tyranny. Political Parties are all bout increasing Power so true Conservatives that follow the Constitution are reluctant to support Political Parties.
Liberals can not understand those facts.
We love Liberty, not Domination but we also recognize the Fact that Liberty, to survive, requires all citizens to behave Responsibly.


If I look up "baboon" it says "see DNC".. but then better vote for Republicans because according to you Democrats are soooo weak and ineffective they are always victims unable to do anything to stop them! Guess that's why when the GOP held public hearings about the Housing Bubble in 2004, they were called RACISTS by all of you! You support death to babies, freedom for illegals more than citizens (show me a US citizen white OR black who is a known felon who is NOT held by a jail whether or not their is a "warrant" who is just "set free") and the fact that you cannot argue of how our enemies always want Democrats to win elections. Deny this. All our enemies are now our friends and all our friends, our enemies! In fact, in Obama's Great Deal, we are bound to defend Iran from foreign attack on their nuclear facilities... gee who can THAT be? Bet Obama actually ASKED for that not the IRANIANS!

Eileen Wright2015-07-24T11:46:36Z

In the US, being politically "conservative" means conserving the US Constitution and the other Founding Documents that helped develop this great nation, such as the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, etc.

It's funny that you left the most obvious answer out of the equation.


Most of us are not. But the left has coopted the term 'liberal', even though no self respecting liberal would be caught dead supporting their big authoritarian collectivism. That's not liberal, that's not freedom. That's just government, authority and forced/mandated compliance to the collective.

Most of the Republicans that I know, Tea Party folks, mostly, ARE liberal, like me. We support freedom, limited government, limited authority, just enough revenue to perform the essential Constitutional function of government...managing the public estate, NOT the public. That's what Republicans are. And it is conservative if you recall that that is exactly what the founding fathers created. Freedom, baby! They created freedom. Conservatives hate change because your kind of change erodes our freedom and our god given rights.


You're entitled to interpret words, people's actions and choices, and life in general however you want. That's the great part of being free in America.

In liberal-land, such thoughts spoken against the liberals are subject to jail time.


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