Migraine question?

As a kid, I got migraines. Only at night, and about once a year. They were extremly painful. As I got older, I realized something weird. Everyon says migraines are worsened with light. But I realized light actually helped my migraines. I only ever got them at night, in the dark of my room. But if I turned on a light and stared at it, instant relief! The agonizing pain would immediately start to lessen and I would feel better and finally be able to sleep. I am wondering why this. Everybody Ive told this says its impossible but its true. The last migraine I ever had was when I was twelve.


Maybe your just different! It's completely normal to have different ways to relieve pain and migraines. Maybe try sleeping with the lights on and just lessen it to a lamp when you feel comfortable. Just don't try to stay with it through the night. Make sure you use the light! Many people find it hard to cope with migraines because if they are out and about there is very little darkness during the day. Use it to your advantage! That's all I can say! But maybe just go and see your doctor.


There could be something wrong with your eyes or you might have problems with your wisdom teeth / heaps of factors cause migraines such as stress or pollution / what i would recommend is looking up and rubbing the side of your temples and see if that helps / I would not advise getting hooked on pain reliever tablets such as paracetamol or ibrofen instead I would recommend to see a doctor