Does it even matter who you vote for in your state?

My state votes Dem every time.

The last Republican my state voted for was Abraham Lincoln which doesn't count because back then Dems were Reps and vise-verse


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If you mean does your vote count numerically, depends. The smaller the election, the more it matters In other words, your vote could swing a city council election, but won't make much a difference for US Senator or how your state votes for president.
It you mean does your vote matter for policy, hardly. Politicians at every level tell you what you want to hear, and then do as they please. People vote on propositions all the time only to have the proposition overturned by a court decision.
That said, if you don't vote, don't btch and moan about the state of things.


Yes I feel it's very important to vote.

MEL T2015-07-24T19:31:15Z

In local elections yes. In national less so. But I was raised to do it or realize you have no room to complain.

Miles from Michigan!!2015-07-24T19:32:48Z

the way things are going, NO!!! we in Michigan voted no gay marriages!! they got bitchy and cried!! our votes didn't matter what so ever!!!


No it doesn't matter you shouldn't bother.

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