upset with my body?

I'm female. I'm 4 '11 and 94 pounds. Am I overweight?!!!!! Am I too short for my age? My body fat is 14.1 which I think might be too much for a teenager. Teens at puberty usually become muscular I heard. So why the hell am I so fat? I don't even have abs. :/ I want abs. My diet is good and I run, bike, swim, play field hockey, volleyball, tennis, and gymnastics. I just want my six pack to show. What should I do? It only shows when I flex. I have a strong athletic body but I think I need to gain muscle. I'm too fat. Help!!!!!!!


You are doing more then enough activities and excercise. That's the thing about today's generation everyone wants one body. And honestly although abs may seem amazing most guys don't find abs attractive on girls. But I know it's not always about guys. Anyway I'm 15 112 pounds and have never felt self conscious about my weight. Your weight is absolutely fine. If anything maybe you should gain some weight for 16. Just kidding your probably fine. I myself am a shortie and I know how it can be. My 17 year old cousin is 4'8 if I ever feel self conscious about my height (5'0) I just compare myself to others and think of what I'm grateful for it works. There are also some great excercise a on YouTube that help you grow taller. (: