I'm seeing a lot of atheistic ad hominems tonight but why no logical reasoning or evidence for god, does nobody have any?

I would think if christians had any good reason in believing in jesus or santa god that they would put them up instead of attacking what makes me conclude, a completely rational position of atheism. Don't christians want to shut us up for good or do they just only have fallacious arguments that does not hold any value?

The Goat Nose2015-07-27T20:30:21Z

If Christianity wasn't logical then it would make sense to humans who are made to reason.
You can't have a viable society in which 80 per cent of adults are morons or delusional and can't separate Santa from Jesus. You don't have to accept Christianity but maybe you want to base your arguments on facts rather than opinion.
"Anger seems a common condition among this kind. Hitchens’ grim, self-advertising equal, Richard Dawkins, is a very bundle of anger and aggressiveness. Dawkins can be quite the toad, a kind of Don Rickles for unbelievers. He appears not so much as a person who subscribes to a particular philosophy or worldview as someone who cannot abide the thought that others do not wish to think the same as he. There’s something almost fanatic about the intensity with which he derides and insults Christians and other faiths (but, it seems to me, mostly Christians).
Such “professional” atheists also display an unseemly infatuation with being regarded as victims. When they are not being superior and angry, their more frequent pose, they are whining that their non-beliefs do not receive the respect or standing of their opposites. They cannot stand to be reminded of the mere presence of what they have absolutely no regard for. A strange posture."


(*SIGH*) Sadly, This, or similar, kind of question is asked - AND ANSWERED - many, Many, MANY times already, but most of the people who ask this kind of question don't really want answers, they just want excuses to continue living a sinful, immoral lifestyle, and they need to justify their immorality.

But let's put the hook out and see if the question has been asked in sincerity this time.
In the Bible, Jesus claimed equality with God. He also said that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him.

Then He said that if you REALLY want to know if His teachings came from God (implying the existence of said God), then "OBEY THESE COMMANDS (follow these instructions), and you SHALL know (one way OR the other)" (Referring to the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew)

This is an objective "litmus" test that Jesus gave, and He said nothing at all about having faith or believing. If you really want to know if Jesus really IS the Son of God (the God who is there), (er – DO you really want to know?) then read and obey the Sermon on the Mount.

If Jesus never existed, then nothing will happen.

If Jesus was a liar, then nothing will happen.

If Jesus was a lunatic, then nothing will happen.

If Jesus was just another ordinary man, then nothing will happen.

If the Bible is nothing more than the writings of some crazy bronze-aged, goat-herding cave men as the atheist mockers keep insisting, then nothing at all will happen.

In other words, to the atheists who claim there is no evidence, PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Actions speak louder than words, so put your money where your mouth is! Take the challenge Jesus gave and prove Him wrong!

(Note: For anyone who flat out rejects this test, I have to remind them of some other words Jesus said. Jesus said that the reason people reject God is “because they are evil (their deeds are evil), and they love darkness (i.e. they love their sins and immorality), and they hate the light (i.e. they hate Truth)!” The only reason they don't believe in God is because they don't WANT to believe in God, and for no other reason, and their mind is set in concrete, and their theme song is "Don't confuse me with Truth; my mind's already made up!")

In his famous book “Mere Christianity”, C. S. Lewis makes the following observation: “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: ‘I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic--on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg--or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great moral teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

FAT MAN2015-07-27T20:35:44Z

My claim is that Jesus is the Son of God. Here are some evidences:


The list is non exhaustive, of course. But I'm not.😝