Eating uncooked instant oatmeal?

I have a tube of plain instant oatmeal, generic brand. Sometimes I put the oats in a cup, add some room temp water, stir a bit, and eat it. I know it says to microwave it or pour HOT water, but I dont.Is this okay? Am I still getting the fiber and protein? Is it more calories, because I didn't microwave it?


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you're fine. Putting it in the microwave, well actually not the best way to heat something up, all that does is just force the water into the dry oats which hydrates fields, making it more palatable.

I sometimes throw a half cup of dry oats into the blender along with fruits, coconut water, and a few other ingredients to give myself a nice smoothie. The oatmeal gives me fiber and helps thicken the concoction.


Its the same. It is not going to effect proteins, fiber, or calories. Why would it. If you added milk that would make a difference.
Didn't you have health or gym class?


Yes it is fine. I like to put water/milk in instand oatmeal and put it in the fridge overnight


I would think everything is the same, it might just make it harder to digest. Fiber, protein, calories are all the same since nothing is added and nothing is lost just because you add heat.