Do christians really believe that atheist actually do believe in gods and we are just lying?


or a god?


A sincere atheist disbelieves in supreme being(s) per own conviction. That is a fact I accept. I also realize, of all there is to understand about reality, we know way too little to make grandiose absolute claims about those matters whose conclusions/assumptions for now are based upon absence of knowledge. When bold claims.are made rooted mostly in ignorance, they in a sense are a form of belief system, the belief that the little we do know is sufficient to make such unsupported claims.

Lady Morgana2015-07-31T21:32:28Z

I think the ones who post preposterous questions making that claim are trying to piss us off, just like some moronic theists try to claim atheism is a religion. I believe both these idiotic claims are aimed at us with the intent to make us mad.

I don't think they really believe it, but I pretty sure they roll up their sleeves with glee when they read responses cussing them up the butt for being so frickin' obtuse.

Brian Knowles2015-07-31T21:21:54Z



No I believe you're a fool like psalms 14:1 says


No. We just believe that you haven't opened your mind, heart, and soul to God... yet!

Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:28-29)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!

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