Would you watch a Divas Championship match as the Raw main event?

I feel that this Divas Revolution is not quite as big as what people and WWE think. Yes, they brought in NXT talent, there were two Divas matches on Raw, and they have had matches that are a little bit longer then usual. But I think a great way to really make a statement would let the divas main event Raw. Have Nikki Bella (C) vs Charlotte. Nikki comes out with Brie and Alicia Fox while Charlotte comes out with Paige and Becky Lynch come out with Charlotte. Charlotte puts Nikki in the Figure-4 Leg Lock and Alicia distracts the ref while Brie pulls Nikki to the ropes so the ref tells Charlote to break the hold. Lynch and Paige go after Brie and Fox. The ref throws all 4 of htem out so now Charlotte and Nikki are alone. They go at it and Charlotte wins the Divas championship.
Personally, I would have the match closer to when Nikki is going to break AJ's title reign and she drops it right before that so people are thinking will she break it or not.


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I probably wouldn't watch it. There is more deserving matches that could take its spot. I would if it was NXT however. That match with Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch at the previous NXT Takeover should have went on last. It was easily Match of the Night.


I would watch it, all the Divas are amazing especially the ones Dave doesn't like because after all he is an imbecile who doesn't know F all about wrestling!


Of course, it would be a historic moment. Though I doubt that it will happen, because they still aren't big draws like Cena. So we have to wait for another 2 or 3 years

The Legendary Styles2015-08-01T15:14:13Z

yes if it does not involve the bellas

