Any GOOD pet transportations services?
I am looking to adopt or re-home a dog and most likely will find one that lives out of state so I want to know if anyone has used a pet transportation service that is all around pretty good and reliable.
I am looking to adopt or re-home a dog and most likely will find one that lives out of state so I want to know if anyone has used a pet transportation service that is all around pretty good and reliable.
Nekkid Truth!
most shelters and adoptions do not adopt to out of state (with the exception of bigger rescues that are national rescues).
The most common pet transport is airlines, but because of the risks and horror stories, this is why many rescues and shelters will not ship.
The grounds transports are expensive.. you're looking at around $1,000.
Look at local shelters and rescues if you want to adopt. There's no reason why you cant find one close enough to pick it up yourself
Take my advice and ALWAYS go visit the kennels the dog is coming from. If it's a puppy you should see mum with her litter, any adults around (to check temperament) and meet the breeders face to face. If you have to buy out of State, then make it a project - a short holiday so you can choose the righr puppy, and bring him home safely with you, with the minimum of trauma.
Yes, I imported, twice, from the UK into Canada, BUT the difference was I knew personally, the breeders of both, and even then had a friend go into the kennel to help her breeder decide which of two available bitches, was the better, as my foundation b itch.
If this is an adoption of an older dog, there has to be a local Shelter for you to go visit and again choose the dog that's right for you with the help of the Shelter staff.