Why should abortion be legal?


Should Abortions Be Legal


Why shouldn't it?
I think by now it's been well covered.
Human rights.
Basic medical care.
Pregnancy should be joyous, not torture or punishment.
Only people ready and willing should be having children.
Putting a plug into a socket doesn't make you ready for a child.
People who can become pregnant are not baby factories.
People have lives outside of pushing children out.
Most people seeking abortion already have children.
Most people seeking abortion have numerous reasons as to why, and stretch marks and nausea aren't even the top fifty for most of them.

There's also this little tidbit that every time abortion has been illegal, it has done everything BUT stop abortion.
People still got them, it just wasn't safe.
So they died.
Children were orphaned.
People in back allies had cash to spare.
Supposedly moral people continued to rave about how moral they were, even as pictures of women bleeding to death because they would rather take that risk than be pregnant floated around newspapers and various other sources.

This isn't something that just happened in the U.S either.
It's a common theme everywhere abortion has been illegal.
No babies are saved.
No life is preserved.
It's just moronic ideals being shoved onto people with no intent of those morons suffering the consequences of their ideals.


It definitely shouldn't be legal, unless the pregnancy will be fatal to the mother. People say "it's my body I can do what I want with it" but the thing is, it's not your body. It's someone else's body, it just happens to be attached to your body. They don't have a say yet what should happen but that doesn't mean anyone else gets to make that decision for them. A 1 year old doesn't have a saw and isn't really intelligent either and are twice as annoying but you wouldn't just kill them.You can't kill someone just because they're inconvenient. Otherwise half my graduating class would be gone. There are so many people out there that would love to be able to have kids and can't and yet others just keep getting pregnant and killing their kids. Just have the baby and put it up for adoption if you don't want it. There's literally no excuse why you can't do that.


So people can have all the sex they want without having to take responsibility for their actions. I mean come on now, why should anyone have to use condoms or birth control if they can just get an abortion?

While a case can be made in rape, incest, or if the mothers life is on the line. If two people consent to sex then they consent to the consequences of it. A unborn person shouldn't have to be punished because two dumb teenagers went at it.

That my body my choice is a load of crap, you make your choice when you decided to have sex ( except in cases of rape). The only reason people support abortion is because it is convienant. If we lived in a world without rape/incest/teenage pregnancy. People would be horrified at the thought of abortion.

Btw, everyone for abortion has already been born.


I'd rather women get safe and legal abortions than to stick a hanger inside of herself, than to go behind some ally for a creepy man to put her under surgery and than to see her unhappy or possibly dead. It's her body. It's her choice. The decision she makes shouldnt concern you unless it some how affects your life. A woman getting an abortion isn't a choice for YOU to make. It's a her own choice.

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