How long does it take to defrost a hamster?

My hamster died in her sleep whilst my friend was looking after her when I was on holiday.
I wasn't going to be back for another few days so she put her in the freezer so she wouldnt start decaying.
I don't want to bury her whilst she's still frozen so I'm defrosting her but i don't know how long it will take?
I'm letting her defrost naturally.


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I would continue to let it defrost naturally because putting it in warm water could make things a little gross even if you put her in a baggie first. Let her defrost then dry then have a little tiny hamster funeral. It should honestly take less than 5 hours to thaw fully but then maybe you want her to dry off a little and be nice for her funeral? Hopefully it all worked out. Sorry to hear about your cute little hammy. They're so cute!


Put her in a zip-lock baggie, and fill a bowl with warn water. But the bag in the bowl, and this will defrost her a lot quicker.