Religious, have you ever considered...?

Religious, have you ever considered that the story of Adam and Eve falling from grace and the story of Satan and his army rebelling and being thrown out of heaven are actually the same story?


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Satan & his followers being ousted from heaven and the ensuing battle which has raged for millennia is what Adam & Eve and their offspring got caught in the middle of. "The woman's offsspring shall bruise your head, and your offspring shall bruise his heal." Satan has offspring. God has done his best to come to our aid in this fight, but requires cooperation on our part. So, they are separate parts (and allegiances) of the same story (battle), yes.

Christian Sinner2015-08-03T11:52:07Z

I was never under that persuasion. But this is what persuasion I am under:

I think Satan and his angels rebelled before Adam's time. I think the result was so violent that the earth was destroyed, and "became a waste and desolation". So the story from Genesis 1:2 is a recreation story, and the Young Earthers are missing a vital part of Earth's history. God showed that he started living things in small numbers, then grew them into large numbers through their own propagating ability. Why not with the multitudes of angels?

So there is a gap in time, who knows how long, where the angels had tome to procreate themselves, then form into families, some which rebelled? What does a Young Earther so with that, especially when Adam was not the first creature to sin?

I think they have some reconfiguring to do.


If you read, you can see just exactly how he misled Eve. It's a subtle enough trick he used. He is smart, subtle, and we learn about him if we read more than just a few verses. You'd be surprised to read through books in the scriptures, because they are different from the way websites that have an agenda on either side try to present them. It's accurate to point out that no one that has relied on selected, isolated verses has the real stories.....

A Second Witness2015-08-03T13:54:58Z

I wouldn't consider that possible, because the account of the dragon being thrown from heaven identifies the dragon as the ancient serpent, which would be the one described in the Garden of Eden. Meanwhile, in the Garden of Eden, the fall from grace described is that of the man and woman, rather than of the serpent, though he undoubtedly fell also.


Considering that they are two separate events that happen at separate times to separate figures in their holy text's mythology there really would be no reason for them to.

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