What percent do you feel your elected officials work for you as opposed to them working for the elite?


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My congressman (Democrat) works 95% for his constituents. My senators (Republican) work mostly for corporate interests.

Curtis 19112015-08-03T18:34:08Z

100% of my elected officials work against me, forcing me to work for them and the union elite.

Even the elected members of my own party work against me.

That's why I'm voting for Trump.


ZERO - Politicians ( Dem, Rep, Feds, States ... ) work for themselves , to gain more power, control and money ... for themselves , sadly and worse are the People / Voters - Dem and Rep who ALLOW IT because they are just as bad but make themselves ' Fools and Fodder ' for corrupt politicians and politics !

Simon M2015-08-04T06:30:14Z

It's not a problem. I AM the elite.


30% maybe. The rest of the time it's repaying favors and trying to get re-elected.

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