Has anyone ever seen two adult hamsters successfully live together without killing each other?

So this is what happened. This past year for my gf's birthday I got her the cutest guinea pig ever. She's so happy. She loves him. So this year for my belated birthday gift she went to the pet store looking for some Russian dwarf hamsters. Well I apparently the pet store guy said that the dwarf hamsters were mean and recommended some really cute teddy bear hamsters. So she got a cage and all that and got two sisters. The pet store guy never mentioned once that they cannot live together or ever said anything of the sort. He was totally for it. Now we started doing our research and found that this is not cool. They cannot and should not live together. Since they are so cute and we love them we are going to get a separate cage now and separate them so they don't die. But I was curious to know if anyone out there has ever successfully seen two adult female hamsters live into adulthood without fighting to the death? You don't have to preach. I know you're not supposed to and we are separating them. I'm just curious to know if it has ever happened? Thank you.

Riley Geyer2015-08-04T12:07:42Z

Favorite Answer

I currently have three female Syrian (Teddy Bear) Hamsters living together in the same cage system. They each have a private hide out, which the others are not allowed in, and they don t ever go in each other s hide out. I currently have three KayTee brand cages connected together, so space isn t an issue, but if you re only using one cage for both of them, it might get ugly. I can t promise anything won t happen, but I was able to successfully bond three different hamsters, and as long as you do this slowly and carefully, you should be able to house them together.


I have two Russian dwarf hamsters 6 months old who live together ok - they're sisters. They do squabble a bit but not outright fighting. I made sure they have plenty of room in their cage and two sleeping boxes so they can take a break from each other.
Previously I had two other females who also lived together for over 3 years, but I also had a pair of Chinese males and one killed the other, so I suggest sticking to females if you want them together.


No case I have heard of. I would think you would need a huge cage (like 30+ square feet) so each could have their own territory to try to prevent fighting but even then I don't know if it would really work. Just get each their own separate cage.
In the future if you want hamsters to live together, get dwarf hamsters. They can live together. They just need to be the same sex.


Syrian hamsters are naturally solitary animals - even when breeding the male and female do not stay together, and mother's boot the young out and chase them away the moment they are old enough to survive on their own.

It is very UNCOMMON for adults to live together. Which is why it is not recommended to TRY housing them together. Once they reach a certain age then there is ALWAYS the risk that they will fight, and possibly seriously injure or kill one another.

Considering this species' natural disposition and solitary nature i would NOT recommend housing them together and hoping for the best.


Some dwarf hamsters can live together as long as they are the same gender and from the same litter. Syrian hamster can't live in pairs.

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