Too much oatmeal bad?

Aside from bathroom related problems, (ahem) is eating oatmeal (PLAIN) for breakfast and lunch a bad idea? Not everyday, but maybe 3 times a week. I dont have much money for food, so a dollar tub of plain oats looks pretty good when I need both cheap and healthful. Lately ive been eating it for breakfast just about everyday. I make it with water and I enjoy it plain with no sugar or crud dumped on top. If I have it for lunch too once in a while, that shouldnt be too bad right?


Haha, oatmeal is very good for you. You can eat it everyday, if you want to. ^^ You can add fruit to it, should you want to sweeten it a little. Bananas do the trick nicely.

The only con I can see is if you're trying to lose weight. Oatmeal is quite rich in carbs. :)

Otherwise, nom away! :D

Edit: By the way, you can eat it at lunch too. I'd just think you should add some fruits to it. Add some vegetables at night, and you got a pretty healthy, complete, diet.
Enjoy your oatmeal! ^^


So... are you planning on getting all of your vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats in at dinner time? Most likely not. Plain oatmeal is healthy for you, but it doesn't give you many nutrients.


yes it's cheap and very nutritious