Parking ticket for stopping in fire lane?

I pulled into the fire lane in front of a grocery store within their private parking lot to to let out my wife for a run to the bathroom. I waited there several minutes sitting in the driver's seat with the engine running. Suddenly a cop I hadn't noticed is handing me a parking ticket.

OK, I get how you have to keep the fire lane accessible to the fire department. But I was surprised I got a ticket instead of a "move along."

Is it legit to get a parking ticket for being stopped instead of truly parked (vehicle unattended)? I was careful not to obstruct traffic in any way and was pulled onto an area that was sort of set back from the driveway.

This was in the town of Brevard, NC, USA.


Additional information: It was definitely titled as a "parking ticket" with the item "Parking in a fire lane" indicated. There was not a "no standing" sign.

And I don't feel I was "blocking" the fire lane because if any fire trucks came along and needed to use it, I would obviously have been able to move out of the way before they even arrived (hearing the sirens first).


OK, Stanp6's answer makes it clear to me that I was in violation and should have been ticketed. The irony here that I probably could have parked a few feet to the left, outside of the fire lane, obstructing traffic in the driving lane (of a private parking lot) and would have been immune from a citation unless the store manager asked me to leave and I refused?


Not that I would do that, but just saying I was trying to be considerate of traffic flow. Live and learn. Paid $10 to learn that lesson.


It is not a parking ticket, it is a ticket for blocking a fire lane
Yes the ticket was appropriate.
No, the police have no obligation to tell you to follow the law before they issue a citation
No, it does not matter that you remained in your vehicle while blocking the fire lane

"And I don't feel I was "blocking" the fire lane because if any fire trucks came along and needed to use it, I would obviously have been able to move out of the way before they even arrived (hearing the sirens first)." Too bad you feel that way, however that is not what the law says. It says you car can not be stopped there.


The law is clear: 'No person shall stop, park or stand a vehicle, whether attended or unattended in a part of a public vehicular area, street, roadway or highway designated as a fire lane.' This wouldn't mean anything if a police officer had to come over and ask you to move along. If the law only said no parking, then he would have been wrong to give you a ticket.


yes plan and simple it is a fire line you can not park load or un load or even wait there what else needs to be explained it is painted red with white lettering they are going to tell you to move you get a ticket


That's what "No Standing" means, sorry.