What is the most hilariously misinformed religious propaganda (for or against) that you have seen?


What is the most hilariously misinformed religious propaganda (for or against) that you have seen? To nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's not hilarious though to me, only to masons who nuked these two Christian cities in Japan. Orthodox Christians were doing their usual "religious walk" and went out of the cities before bombs were dropped. Orthodoxy is the only true faith. Forgive me.


Whenever people try to PROVE their cult belief. Like christians, for example, using nonsense like the Shroud of Turin, etc, which they claim as proof. It does two things:
1) It shows that they have little confidence in their cult to begin with, if they need proof and are always grasping at nonsense claiming it is "proof" -- like Noah's Ark sightings, too. All silly.
2) It violates their primary tenet of FAITH. If their cult belief was factual and provable, then the element of FAITH would not exist, and therefore, the whole basis of their belief system crumbles.

So, go figure. But christians usually aren't the sharpest tools in the box. So, their nonsense never surprises me.


The biggest I have seen is those who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews, they are not Jews . They are converts to Judaism . Nor are they Semites , they are Ashkenazi . Ashkenazi are descendants of Noah's great grand son, Ashkenaz , who was the son of Gomer , who was the son of Japheth , Noah's oldest son . Genesis 10th chap. 3rd ver. The real Jews are the blacks living in North America . God allowed them to be taken into bondage because their ancestors did not keep the laws, statues and commandments as told by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy . All of this is in scripture yet most Christians are misinformed as to who the Jews are because of the propaganda of those who call themselves Jews.


I find all propaganda to be misinformed and hilarious, although the Christian ones from WW2 were hilarious.

"If God doesn't love you, why should I?" as the guy points a gun at you.


The biggest one for me is blamed on both the Christian fundamentalists and atheists alike: That the Bible is the supreme authority of Christianity and every jot written in it is a literalistic fact of the faith. That's a big face palm.

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