The KKK is going to have a Cross burning at the Israeli embassy in DC and in Teheran in support of The Iran Nuclear deal.?

A Maryland and the Gaza Strip chapters of the KKK is holding a cross burning at the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. in support of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Also fellow Klansmen are doing a first time cross burning in Teheran Iran near the former US Embassy. The KKK and other hate groups are supporting the Iran Nuclear deal while parsing Obama and even a Neo-Nazi Skinheads made Obama an honoree member. Will the hate groups help win or sink the Nuclear Deal? Has Obama and Anti-War Movement sold out to the Neo-Nazis, KKK and other hate groups?


The KKK is nothing but agent provocateurs who serve the U.S. Government to demonized anything the Government supports.


In Terran huh...ok...assuming you're not just making that up..which you probably are, curious to know how thee KKK a Southern US hate group got permission to burn a cross in Terran.....Iran's not a government of idiots you know...they know are own history likely better then you so you can bet they know who the KKK are


When I think of the KKK-----which is not very often, thank God-----I want to vomit. I simply can't believe these are considered " sane " enough to walk our streets.


Wow! I'm totally speechless at your level of cray-cray!


Sounds okay to me. The U.S. funds neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, why not in the U.S.?

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