If you all had to give up one of your senses, which would it be?

For me it would be taste, you need the other senses sight, hearing, feel, & smell more than taste (in my opinion).


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taste is simply a luxury. all other senses are very much needed.


Taste and smell are intimately connected. You can't really give up one without the other. If I had to give up a sense, it'd be one of those we don't think of as being a "primary" sense like magnetoception.


I'd give up my common sense.
It only holds me back, anyway.



wHaT eVeR2015-08-13T11:37:45Z

This is so hard to answer, because I love to cook so taste is important. I love music and collect it , so sound is important.
I love hiking , and being out in Nature so that would be so important to me.
It would have to be sight.