Do you use a homework folder/binder?
If so what type of folder or binder do you use? How do you organize it? Do you take it to all your classes plus the binder/folder for that class?
If so what type of folder or binder do you use? How do you organize it? Do you take it to all your classes plus the binder/folder for that class?
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I have one big binder with 8 folders inside of it, one for each class and I take it with me to all my classes.
I have a binder with folders one on each class and a few extras like homework and grades to take home and yes i bring all of that to school every peroid
i mainly used a bunch of folders. one for each class when i was in school.
i remember when i was in grade school, we had to use a binder and organize with tabs and slots with each type of work. one slot had assignments, one had notes, one had a schedule of the class, and the last part had loose leaf paper. you could do something like that if you want to be really organized. but i got fine with just folders later in school / college.
one time i had a binder with enough slots for each of my classes and had everything in one binder, but that was too much.
I use a couple of Five Star binders for my daughter's home schooling.