What distinguishes humans from other living beings?

Evolutionary biologists believe that animals can possess cognitive faculties that are superior to human beings

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2522501/Think-humans-smarter-animals-Think-Some-creatures-SUPERIOR-brains--just-dont-understand-them.html


In my opinion, it is religion which distinguishes humans from other living beings.





Favorite Answer

In my opinion, it is religion which distinguishes humans from other living beings.

- YES, ABSOLUTELY YES, only humans are ignorant enough to make up religions.


The only thing that really separates us is technology. Other animals use tools in a limited fashion, but we took toolmaking a lot further than using a stick to get delicious termites to come out where we can eat them. We continue to refine our tools much faster and that has put us far ahead of all other animals in terms of survival.


The Daily Mail? The Independent? Could you possibly find a less authoritative source? How about the Onion?

Why not just say, "People who know nothing about evolutionary biology all agree that this is what evolutionary biologists believe, even though evolutionary biologists deny it."

Why even bother talking about what evolutionary biologists believe if you are just going to quote crap that people make up?


Lions don't take guns, shoot humans, and put the human head in a trophy cabinet for starters.

Elephants do not shoot humans, take their teeth and make models out of them either.


Tests have repeatedly shown chimpanzee apes have much better short-term memories than human apes.

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