If God is infinite, does this mean that God is able to know everything? If so, can God choose NOT to know everything?


How easy it is to make a snap judgment. "Of course God knows everything! Oh how evil you are for not thinking just like me." (hi, firefly)
But I do not suggest that God doesn't know, nor do I suggest that God cannot know. I suggest that God has the ability to choose not to know. And it would seem that in many events, this would explain a lot. (not enuf space to flesh that out, but...)


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No infinite means something else. What you are describing is all-knowing or omniscient.

Antinomies are self contradicting statements. You seem to be logical, but may have forgotten this topic in formal logic. Your question is meaningless because of this logic principle.


Yes but God gave humanity free will and God is Just.

james o2015-08-17T15:04:07Z

Every time we play solitaire, we choose not to know. I deny that I can have a choice that is not open to God. Of COURSE God may choose not to know stuff!

Rick G2015-08-17T13:42:16Z

Since he gave all his intelligent creatures free will, he has indeed decided not to know every thing. That is why he appreciates the love that his children give him, since it is not forced or locked in as defined by predestination.

His will has already determined what the future will be, but not all of whom will enjoy it with him.

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