Are we humans actually just sophisticated robots?

When I try to understand what me is,. I find all I can come up with is I am a result of my beliefs and thoughts. There is nothngI can hold on to or that is tangebal, it is always just thoughts.

I am not saying that is a bad thing, but it does mean (if true) the only control we have on ourselves is what our beliefs limit us to.

Our thoughts are only the results of our beliefs.

Your thoughts


Your logic is slightly flawed. We are a result of our thoughts and beliefs, BUT, we do have the choice to change what we believe.

A robot runs on a program that can not make choices beyond the original program. We have the control to "rewrite" how we feel and think if we make that choice.

I am not the same person I was twenty years ago. Beliefs change and adapt. Experiences causes changes. Humans have the ability to continually learn and grow mentally and emotionally.

Mortal Dimunitive2015-08-22T10:46:27Z

Wait, I'm processing that data...deep deet deet deet. After considering all of the acquired information, my conclusion is we are robots, some more sophisticated than others!


We are getting there.