When will religion just admit they want nothing to with fact based epistemologies like science?

That making claims that make them feel good is what they prefer and discovering the true roots and causations of life and the universe is not a priority for them. When will religion who claim it is a sin to lie finally admit they want nothing to do with epistemologies that have been proven to work instead of lying and saying that science "proves god" and "my book is flawless, science is a conspiracy against god"? That is the equivalent of saying that facts and reality are conspiracies against god.


Since anonymous is to much of a coward to let me respond and has to block me, I will happily do the same. It's a good thing though, he spreads ignorance and false information anyways and never has anything useful to add to a conversation.


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Never. They will not...CANNOT admit that, ever.


When will religion just admit they want nothing to with fact based epistemologies like science?

~~~ Oh dear, you greatly err if you have some ignorant notion that 'science' is about 'facts'.
It is not.
The best that an idea can achieve in science, and philosophy, is a tentative acceptance as a theory!
That is all!

'Facts' are indistinguishable from 'beliefs'!
A 'belief' is an infection of the imagination, the ego! Vanity!

You haven't the vaguest knowledge of what you are talking about.
Your argument in interchangeable with any Xtian 'rationalizing' his 'belief infection'!

"New study of the brain shows that facts and beliefs are processed in exactly the same way."



You lost me at science is an epistemology. Sorry.

I tried to struggle on with your question. The utility of science makes it a reliable epistemology

Are you saying science works so religion should not be trusted?

No. We accept scientific findings. I mean real science like celestial mechanics and biology. Not science epistemology that says science is the best worldview because it gives us neat toys.

Still can't figure out where facts come into all this.

UPDATE. there is another question you are answering because yo are blocked. I solve that problem, especially when the asker is anonymous, by reposting the question anonymously and answering it. Best wishes.


When it's true?
It might be true for some religions but obviously it is false for Christianity since the Christian Church has supported scientific inquiry throughout most of its history and most branches of modern science were founded by Christians.


I agree with everything you wrote. Well done.

"That making claims that make them feel good is what they prefer"

This is exactly correct. All the moronic bullsh!t they believe is what makes them feel good. For example their childish magical heaven fantasy. Cowards love this bullsh!t. It's all wishful thinking. Not one shred of evidence.

The god-soaked are just plain stupid.

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