Do atheists believe in something solely based upon the weight of evidence?


Disease, war and disasters have evidence and they can be explained using logic, reason and rationality. Do you then believe in cancer for children, world wars and tsunamis? Sounds odd to say that..


Do Atheist "BELIEVE " something solely based on the weight of the evidence ?Believe as in accept as TRUE what else should i base it on ? If you do NOT have a STANDARD ( Evidence ) by which you evaluation something

, Then HOW do you evaluate it you have Possible , Probable and FACT ( verified and indisputable) All propositions have 4 options True , False unknown or Unknowable

so What you just implied is I should ACCEPT that big foot Yeti alien abductions Tinker bell , Santa Claus Leprechauns spider man 20 ft giants humans Zeus Thor . Ra all exist not to mention the 22 gods presently claimed , because I should not look for evidence of them to evaluate if I should accept them as True or ask for proof . So Your suggesting i should rely on faith because someone Claims , it >

well I paint my spark plugs with nail polish so I have some standard of evidence. my mechanic changed them with the tune up .

ya know what I Had evidence with two different mechanics who didn't change them but claimed they did

.Ya know what happened I didn't pay them for even the oil change that they did do because they made a false claim and would have been taken to small claims court so I don't Trust anyone on faith but evidence and past performance and proof the probability of the claim

I am comfortable in saying I don't know something and if i have no evidence to evaluate it I do not KNOW 100% but if it has no evidence the probability of something is very very slim

I am not claiming anything . the person who makes the CLAIM has the burden of proof if they wish me to accept somethings as TRUE or FACT prove it otherwise its JUST an assertion

WHY are you comfortable saying you KNOW when you have no evidence ?

Hey at least say thanks for the tip about the nail polish on the spark plugs it works every time LOL


Do atheists believe in something solely based upon the weight of evidence?

~~~ No 'belief' is logically chosen!
Beliefs are 'caught' and 'spread' like the infections they are!


This atheists simply isn't overly affected by wishful thinking.

Reality makes no concessions for how nice we find it.

A beliefs desirability is no measure of it's validity.

As such, yes, evidence is the main or even sole deciding factor when it comes to being convinced of something extraordinary.


Atheists don't "believe". "Belief" has an element of faith in its definition.

Atheists "accept" things based on evidence. If new evidence is discovered that contradicts the old, atheists are willing to change their opinions based on the new evidence.

Theists often claim this willingness to change one's opinion is a weakness; that sticking to the their fixed holy scriptures is better.

It's actually a strength, because it means atheists are willing and able to learn, while theists are stuck with outdated knowledge.


One of the things that rational people are good at, is knowing when they don't know. If the evidence does not exist to make it possible to make a determination, we say, "I don't know."

That is the major difference between the atheist and the believer. The believer does not require any evidence beyond their personal biases to arrive at a belief and will usually ignore any evidence that does exist.

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