Have the last few days of the stock market signaled the beginning of the Obama recession? I say yes.?


The US is in reasonably good shape. The stock market dipping has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with China as they're the second biggest economy in the world.


There's no recession - the real economy is fine - the stockmarket is reacting to Asian stockmarkets falling too fast. Go outside and look at the crowded freeways of workers driving home, full shelves in supermarkets, and the cheap price of gasoline and the help wanted signs and understand that the real world is not directly tied to the Dow Jones index.


Stock markets going down is only the fault of the president when that president is a republican. Obama gets credit for it going up but now that it's gone down it must be Bush that is the cause.


Don't you need a recovery in order for there to be a recession? A sign of an even lower bad economy


Its looking like that may be the case.

Libs are already making lists of excuses

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