I don't give a crap about 'humane' given the chance I WILL stop his head in and continue on my day. This SOB is in my room and I've seen him twice in the last hour or so. I have glue traps out so I'm hoping he will run into those but I'd prefer a quicker option, IE smashing his head in two. Question is how do I lure him out?
I don't understand why people want to KILL mice or anything else. There are humane mouse traps at pet stores that you can use. They are clear boxes with air holes. Just take the box somewhere and easily open the door. The mouse runs out and you did a nice thing. Decon makes them bleed to death. Not very nice, along with all the other things the other person mentioned. I realize mice are dirty, but so are a lot of humans, just look around!
Mice WILL and do harm your house. They chew wires, they chew up insulation and other things, they crap every where, they spread dangerous and life threatening diseases. Mice are nastey. They are not smart at all and wild once are not pets. They are pests
Get some snap traps and bait them with peanut butter
Mice will not harm you in your house, there is a possibility they will harm furniture but not you. You could try to train it and create a bond with it. Mice are very intelligent animals and rodents they should not be underestimated. Mice also make great pets.
Please rethink your stratergies before attempting to slaughter it. Trust me they make great pets.