what taxes should I be paying. I make 700$ a week and pay 200$ in taxes is this normal?


additional info: I work IT in the U.S. CT, my total income this year should be around 25,000 since I wasn't working for part of the year.
I did the math and I think this comes out to be 28% which seems high.


didn't you read the other responses to your post? over $55 is withheld for FICA, maybe another $7 for a state employee tax
the rest is income tax for both the federal and state and if you didn't get it before get it now, what is being withheld is due to the way you filed your W-4
you may have put 0 allowances which means they can take the maximum allowed on your gross
all of the income tax withheld could very well be due to your ignorance


No. It is normal to pay more. It is not normal to pay so little. It is not normal to pay less than 30%.


Normal, yes.

Max Hoopla2015-08-28T16:56:54Z

Income and employment taxes.



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