Name for a Fire/Earth dragon?
This name is for a character in my book and he is a dragon who is part Fire dragon, part Earth dragon.
-he is very big (Earth and Fire dragons are the biggest types of dragons in my story)
-he's about 19 or 20 years old
-he has a mix of red, brown, and green scales
-he has brown eyes
-he is brave
-he is loyal
-he is smart
-he is practically fire-resistant
-he is strong and powerful
-he ends up falling in love with the main character (a Fire dragon named Amber) {if you've read Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, their relationship will be sort of like Glory and Deathbringer}
-at one point he rescues Amber from a band of venomous dragon like creatures
-the name has to be something you'd maybe find or could see in a legitimate fantasy move for teens to adults.
-he's heroic
Preferably a name that begins with something other than the letter A. Thanks guys!
DRAGON names please, NOT human ones. Thanks.