I have McAfee antivirus subscription - so why is it not stopping the popup ads?

It s driving me (and others using the computer) crazy!! My computer settings are already set to "block popup ads" but it doesn t. What can I do about this??


Favorite Answer

You should get a free copy of "Ad Block Plus" to help curtail popup ads. Used by millions. http://www.adblockplus.org

Antivirus software nor Windows blocks out every popup. If you got lots of ads after you install Ad Block Plus then something else is wrong. For example, your computer could be infected with some type of malware program or browser installed redirector or advertising search engine.

In any event, you should also download a free copy of MalwareBytes and run it. Get it here: http://www.malwarebytes.org

Good Luck!

Harley Drive2015-08-31T23:27:05Z

they may not be "pop-up" ads they may be flash adds so you would need a flash blocker