Question about the case involving the toddler at the Wal-mart in Hayden, ID, shooting his mom?

This might seem obvious to some, but a toddler doesn t just pull a gun out of mom s purse and pull the trigger. It doesn t work that way. In addition to being loaded, ALL handguns, whether revolvers or automatics, must be 1. ******, and 2. safety off before the trigger can even be pulled. So only one of 3 scenarios had to be true before this could happen:
1. The mom kept a loaded, ****** gun with the safety off in her purse. Not likely.
2. The toddler ****** the gun himself and removed the safety before firing. Also not likely, because it would imply the toddler knew exactly what he was doing and had the finger/hand strength to cock the gun. And no witnesses saw him do this.
3. Or a third, more conspiratorial explanation, a third party, a gun control supporter, saw the gun in the purse, ****** and removed the safety, then handed it to the toddler when the mom wasn t looking, ssolely for the purpose of creating a tragedy that could be politically exploited. However, store cameras should have caught such a person on video.

Are the details of this case available to the public? Because I d sure like to know the answer..."


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You lack understanding of guns. Most guns do not need to have the hammer back to be able to fire. The only guns that need to have the hammer back first is a single action revolver. Pretty much no one carries those for self protection.
Not all guns have a safety
The shooting happened and it happened because the toddler got a hold of the gun and pulled the trigger. Either the gun did not have a safety or the safety was off.
You should never rely on the safety to keep a gun safe.

Y!A seems to have a problem for the term to describe a gun that the hammer is back and ready to shoot...


I see you know very little about firearms, it seems what you think you know about firearm you learn from watching stupid movies. Only a single action revolver has to have the hammer pulled back before it will fire, and they DO NOT have a safety. Most single action pistols, the hammer is pulled back when a round is loaded into the chamber, and have a safety to keep it from firing accidentally. Double action pistols one has to pull the trigger to fire the round, some of these have external safeties, some do not.

The mistake this lady made was to have a live round in the chamber around children. She could jack the slide, but the toddler would be unable to jack the slide to make the firearm ready to fire. The firearm is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an 85 year old lady as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply wouldn't work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.


those are all very good points. I find it highly unlikely that a toddler would be capable of this. my girlfriend has small hands and SHE has a hard time turning off the safety and pulling a double action trigger. I agree with the 3rd, the first too dont seem plausible. Most infants lack the strength to even lift and aim a fully loaded gun.


Monkey see 🙈 monkey do so it's highly unlikely the child 👶 would have known what it was doing so it's more likely to be some foul play there but I wasn't there so I can't really comment


Or 4. This never actually happened, but people will believe anything they see in the news. I'm mean, how DARE you deny that such a tragedy took place? Have you no respect for the family?

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