Is a 3/4 sleeve tattoo too much for a first tattoo?
I came up with the idea of a 3/4 sleeve tattoo I wanted about 3-4 years ago and have had it drawn up on several occasions and put a bunch of thought into it to make sure its something that I wouldn't regret. I listened to advice from people I knew which was to get something drawn up wait a little while and if you still like it at that point then get it. Well I've had this tattoo in my head for 3-4 years now and I think I'm ready, I'm 19 about to turn 20 btw. My only question is a 3/4 sleeve too much for a first tattoo? Should I start off with something smaller to see how I tolerate the pain, etc.? From what I know someone said my underarm and elbow would be the worst pain but I think I could handle it.