I have a tooth infection and the antibiotics and painkillers doesnt seem to be working?
My tooth, a molar has been aching so much since last Sunday that I visited a dentist 2 days ago, she Xrayed the tooth and found out I have a tooth infection and it is deep. The dentist prescribed to me some painkillers and told me to take antibiotics 2 times a day for 5 days then to go back to her for check up. She said afer 5 days if the infection is gone eiher we extract the tooth or i have a root canal. It is day 2 and the painkillers isnt working, I am in more pain than ever before. i called up my dentist about this and said to just wait it out until day 5. BUT i am in pain and the pain killers isnt working! Should I get a 2nd opinion for an alternative? What should I do?