How to console my ex-girlfriend?

I broke up with my ex in April. She was madly in love, but I wasn't. Unfortunately, instead of telling her that, I lied and told her I couldn't do long distance (as an easy exit vehicle). She is devastated and absolutely hates me for it. Thing is, I haven't seen her in four months because of summer vacation, but now she lives in my building; I can't avoid her.

I don't regret breaking up, but I regret how I did it. I want to make things right, but I don't know how. I hate having enemies.


Favorite Answer

Even if she's still hurting, she's made progress in the months you have been broken up. Dredging up the past because you feel guilty is selfish. She doesn't owe you friendship or forgiveness. If you want to make this right, then stay out of her way so she can get over you for good.