Tell me your weight loss tip/trick?

I am NOT talking about diet pills, magic beans, or a way to blast off fifty pounds in five minutes. Im talking realistic ways. Here are mine so far.

Eat less junk-brownies, candy, chips, ect
Eat smaller portions. No five pound steaks
Find ways to make healthy foods appealing. Ive taught myself to eat PLAIN oats for breakfast, but it can get boring, so sometimes I add half a chopped peach or mash half a banana in.
I have cut down on meat and dairy. No fiber there, so I sub in fibrous items.
No soda or juice. Water is best.
I walk quite a bit, and strength train for muscle. No, Im not hulk girl, its just for toning up.
I run in place and do weighted boxing punches for cardio.
I take a probiotic for digestion, keeps the insides humming along smoothly.
I walk more than once a day so Im not sitting on my bum too long.
I keep a journal. I think its good to keep track of exercises done and calories eaten. Keeps me from eating too much by accident.
I also dont stuff myself when I eat.
I try to select organic foods when I can.
If Im craving junk (which rarely happens now), I take a quick walk, and drink some water and/or eat something nutritious to so I don't run for a donut.

What are your tried and true methods/tips? I have lost eight pounds and my waist has shrunken and my arms and legs are showing more defined muscle and not so jiggly!


In addition to watching what I eat and drinking plenty of water, I also work out 4-5 days a week doing cardio for 30 minutes and 80 arm rotations with 5 pound weights. I commute to work by train so I have a rule that I walk all the escalators too, which gives me a bit of stairmaster workout, lol. My "trick' is making exercise part of my daily routine so I stick to it. And I get up at 4;30 a.m. just so I can work out!!


To be honest, I have a high metabolism so I'll try to help. There should'nt be any short cut when it comes to weight loss- if you want a beach ready body then you better work

ray o2015-09-09T10:40:45Z

i think you pretty much covered it all